Thursday 23 June 2011

Oceanic Inspirations

There is something really interesting about the way that directors adapt specific personal inspirations into their films. One such example is Wes Anderson’s film, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou’s strange similarity to the 1969 film Captain Nemo and the Underwater City directed by James Hill.

The seemingly kitsch and low budget British film, Captain Nemo And The Underwater City, originally adapted Jules Verne’s novel Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea to include the character Captain Nemo in some of the outrageously fantastical settings as the novel describes. This film is an obvious inspiration for Wes Anderson’s Life Aquatic - Anderson mirrors many of the settings and key concepts within this 1969 oceanic fantasy world.

Considering this intense connection that is established between a directors inspirations and the way that these inputs so strongly influence their creative output - it is very important in a way to comprehend these influences in order to understand each directors’ unique creative process.

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