Wednesday 8 June 2011

Cinema, DVD or TV?

There are generally three ways you will watch a film. You will either go watch it while it is still in the cinemas, rent it on DVD when it comes out or you will just wait for it to come on TV and then possibly watch it. There are certain characteristics that a film has that puts it into one of these categories.

A cinema film is a film that has been hyped up for months before its actual release on circuit. These films would have been the topic of many conversations and usually have a well-known cast. Examples of these films include all the Harry Potter films, all the Pirates of the Caribbean films, Fast and the Furious and so on. You will also go watch a film at the cinema if it is your type of film and you are just so excited to go see it. Another reason for seeing a film at the cinema is so that you can talk about it with everyone else who is talking it. If it is popular then you will want to see it as soon as possible!

Then there are the DVD films. These films you weren’t too eager to go watch straight after its release but still wanted to see it. You may go specially to get the DVD or you might just happen to see it on the shelf while browsing at your local DVD store. An example of this type of film would be chick flicks or horror films. It doesn’t make much difference whether you watch it on the big screen or not.

If you really don’t care about seeing a film and have made no effort to watch it by the time it comes on TV then it probably isn’t exactly one of those great films. They are ‘non’ films and are just watched because they are there. TV films are often surprising and can take you into a completely different genre than what you would normally watch. You may learn that you actually like it.

You need to decide if a film is worthy of the ticket price at the cinema or if you are just going to wait for its TV appearance.

How do you decide where to watch a film?

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