Thursday 21 April 2011

Hollywood Monsters

Every night thousands of kids look underneath their beds and inside their closets, making sure no evil monsters lurk in the shadows. I must confess after, very rarely, watching a monster movie, I too have to make sure the coast is clear before switching off the lights. Hollywood has created some horrific creatures in the past, below follows some of my most memorable.

Jeepers Creepers is a demonic monster that awakens every 23rd spring to feed on human beings for 23 days. The Creeper seeks out his victims according to the body part he needs, after consuming that body part the Creeper is able to regenerate that same part of his body. There are few things scarier than a flesh eating monster warning you of his approach by way of a creepy song.

Steven Spielberg’s Jaws will forever be burned into our minds every time we go near the beach, even innocent seaweed might be mistaken for a vicious man eating shark waiting to attack. The 50 foot, 12 ton shark became a household fear; parents watched more carefully as their kids played in the water, lifeguards were seen as brave and fearless and flair guns was a must have for every boat trip. Jaws will forever be one of the scariest sea monsters.

The carnivorous T-Rex in Jurassic park was a frightening monster. The scene were the water rippled as the ferocious beast approached built suspense and fear in every movie viewer. The bigger than life body, sharp teeth and a horribly loud roar was the formula for a perfectly scary monster. The same could be said of Godzilla, the only real difference is he was loose in the city, where there were a lot more victims.

Another fiercely frightening monster is in actual fact an alien. The Predators hunt human beings as their prey, killing and mutilating their bodies. The fear factor is set in by their ability to mimic voices and set traps.

According to the above what makes a good monster is sharp teeth, cold eyes and the ability to kill anything in its path. Well done Hollywood, you will scare many more generations to come.

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