Sunday 6 May 2018

Top 5 Strongest Avengers In Infinity War

Avengers: Infinity War has been out for more than a week now but like most people we are still talking about it and analysing and dissecting every detail of the movie no matter how big or small it may seem. One of the most interesting and most fun things to discuss is who was the strongest Avenger in the movie so we've decided to list a top 5 based on the events in the movie.



Look let's be honest, compared to Thanos, Cap is pretty much a nobody and indeed Thanos could probably very easily defeat him without any Infinity Stones. Which makes it even more impressive that Captain America took Thanos on when he had 5 Infinity Stones and was able to actually grab the Infinity Gauntlet and delay Thanos just about long enough to allow Scarlet Witch to be able to destroy the Soul Stone. Obviously it was all moot in the end because Thanos used the Time Stone to reverse the destruction of the Soul Stone but hey at least Cap actually went and challenged Thanos unlike some other so called heroes whose names we won't mention... **cough-Hulk-cough**


Iron Man was very impressive in this film. He was singularly focused and determined and in the end he bravely took on Thanos one-on-one even though he would've known that he was unlikely to win. In fact he not only took Thanos on but he was able to land some blows on the Mad Titan. In the end Thanos won the fight but he gained respect for Stark for his bravery and even commented that "I hope they remember you".


Scarlet Witch wasn't strong in the sense of being physically strong but instead her strength derived from the fact that she was the only person who had the power to destroy an Infinity Stone. For most of the movie she was understandably very reluctant to do this because the destruction of the Soul Stone would've meant a certain death for her beloved Vision. So she did what any good person would do and tried to find an alternative means of removing the Soul Stone from Vision's forehead without killing him but unfortunately, Thanos' Army attacked Wakanda before Shuri could finish the extraction. When push came to shove she eventually destroyed the Soul Stone while holding off Thanos himself which is no mean feat but as mentioned earlier this was all undone by Thanos' use of the Time Stone.


This is another Avenger who is also not necessarily physically strong but just like Scarlet Witch he doesn't need to be because he is a sorcerer with all manner of tricks and spells. Most crucially he has possession of the Time Stone which he uses to determine that there is only path to defeating Thanos and then he follows through with that plan even though he knows it will lead to his own death. Nonetheless he does a brilliant job of fighting and slowing down Thanos to the point where the team almost gets the gauntlet off the purple villain until one moment of madness from Star Lord ruins the plan and Thanos fights back and is eventually victorious. But then again, maybe Thanos' victory was part of Doctor Strange's plan for Thanos' ultimate defeat...


First of all... Thor is a literal god. Literal in the literal sense unlike how the word is sometimes misused nowadays. He is able to literally withstand the full force of a neutron star from close range in order to allow the giant dwarf Eitri to forge a weapon that is powerful enough to kill Thanos. He then is able to successfully wield the weapon (after making a grand entrance for the ages!) and strikes a seemingly fatal blow at Thanos just as the villain has acquired the final Infinity Stone for his collection. Sadly, like most other apparent victories in this film, this is only a temporary reprieve as Thanos still has just about enough strength left to use the full powers of the Infinity Gauntlet and just like that, half of the living beings in the universe are gone.

What do you think? Do you agree with the list or are there other heroes you would have included in this list?

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